Thursday, November 19, 2009

Online Stalkers

I've never been one for blogging until I had to create this blog for a class I was taking, but I finally got a response to one of my posts that I left over a year ago, and i believe it's my ex-boyfriend who is stalking me online.

I'm really confused as to why he would do this, especially when he cheated on me and ruined our relationship with his lies about the fact that he had a girl on the side for over a year while we were together. The worst part about it is he keeps trying to play the victim by accusing me of cheating. He's living by a double standard, so that meant it was okay for him to go out and meet women and buy them drinks and give out his number, but it wasn't okay for me to accept a free drink when I was offered one or network and make new acquaintances. And he was so jealous and insecure that it was ridiculous. I couldn't go visit my girls or go out without him going through my phone and checking for new numbers or calling me every 10 minutes to question me about where I was, and who I was with.

I was never insecure enough to go through my ex's stuff, but I did want to give him a taste of his own medicine, so I went through his phone to see what i could find. And of course I found out that he wasn't half as considerate of my feelings as he expected me to be of his. He had been giving his number out to bitches at his job and ended up letting one of them live with him while we were together. He had this whole elaborate scheme to keep me from finding out about his side girl where he'd hide the girls clothing in his dirty hamper or under his bed so that I wouldn't notice, but eventually I did and that's when the lies started pouring out of his mouth. He made up this story about how the clothes were a friend of a friends who had no where to store it, and he even got his brother to lie for him. But lies are like a disease for which there is no cure, and once a liar, always a liar because it's easier to make up your own reality than it is to accept and deal with real reality.

Since he was caught red handed, why couldn't he man-up and just admit what he did? That's why I ended it once and for all. I know the saying goes that if you let something go and it comes back to you it's yours, but sometimes when it comes back it's yours and 2-3 other people's as well. Well I don't want him, so whoever does can have that headache.

I still don't understand why when it's over does the cheater still try to hang on? That just never made any sense to me! If i was the woman you wanted to be with, why couldn't you keep your dick in your pants? I obviously wasn't enough for you, so go find someone, two, or three who are.

Why is it okay for a man to ask for a commitment from their women and later break that commitment. Just do yourself a favor and don't make any commitments until you're sure you know what you want. It's that simple. Men don't need to tell women that he loves her just to sleep with her anymore, we all have needs, so if you're straight up I'm sure something can be worked out where no one gets hurt. Or if you're in a committed relationship but feel a strong attraction to someone else, break up until you figure out what you want and spare everyone the pain of having to deal with your lies and deceitfulness, & you'll get a lot more respect in the end and because no one can get mad since they had no claim to you. Games and tricks are for kids, so stop playing around!

I trusted & loved this man, and he violated that trust on more than one occasion, so why can't he just let me go so I can move on with my life. After all the hurt and pain he caused me, why doesn't he just go be with the women he cheated on me with, and leave me the hell alone? I understand people make mistakes that they later regret, but if he truly regrets losing me, he would've kept it real from the beginning. I would've rather broken up so that he could mess around and have him come back later after he realized the other woman doesn't compare to me, than for him to lie and cheat on me behind my back. What hurts even more is that he continues to deny that he has any involvement with this woman, even though I know that too is a lie. This chic even heard his lies for herself when we banded together and made a secret 3 way call to him, yet and still she continues to deal with him (although I was guilty of that for a while 2 so I guess we're just 2 stupid ass bitches). But I've learned from my mistake, which was to ever trust a piece of crap like my ex! And I pledge that the next time around I won't rush into a relationship just because the man I'm dating tells me that i'm the only one he wants to be with.

I didn't want to, but he forced me to end the relationship because no body wants to be with someone who lies, cheats, and steals, so if that is you who is sending me anonymous responses to my posts, please cease and desists! You had your chance to be with me, and you messed that up to have an affair with someone who you don't even really like! After all the drama you put me through, enough is enough. I did truly love you and I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt even though you didn't deserve it, but you made a fool of me!

It would've been different if you were a real man and could be honest with the women you deal with by telling them that you have other women of interest in your life, but that's to honorable for a scum bag like you. I think it's pretty pathetic for a man to feel like he has to lie and tell women that he loves them and wants to marry them in order for them to stick around. If you can't say what you really mean, and mean what you say, you're one sorry ass excuse of a man! And I want nothing more to do with you, so please...

"Common sense is not so common."
* Voltaire, Dictionnaire Philosophique (1764)

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